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Glowforge Owners sign in form. Email address Password. App Tamer automatically pauses applications to deliver more efficient CPU usage and increased battery life. Some Mac applications, especially web browsers, continue running tasks or animations even when they're supposed to be idle in the background. This can consume valuable processing power.


App Tamer 2 52 Resz


App Tamer 2 52 Resz

App Tamer 2 52 Ceiling Fan [1 January 2017] - Brazilian Portuguese translation update, small improvements [4 December 2016] - Fixed pinning of the app to Windows 7 taskbar. geek64.exe is extracted to the same directory (on 64-bit Windows) [1 December 2016] - Remember sort criteria between app launches. Better size calculation. Fixed displaying of apps updates (sub-items). Fixed incorrect detection of apps as recent on Windows 10. Misc fixes [13 November 2016] - Crash fix in rare cases when performing leftovers scan. [9 November 2016] - Improved waiting for uninstall process (es). Small fixes. [25 October 2016] - Improved stability, fixed occupied size calculation for certain programs, fixed crash on old CPUs without SSE2. [22 July 2016] - Norwegian translations update, fixed removal of Mozilla apps [17 July 2016] - Number of small fixes. Translations update [21 June 2016] - Fixed calculation of estimated size of apps from Windows Store [20 June 2016] - Uninstall Windows Store Apps (View->Windows Store Apps or Ctrl+Tab). HI DPI screens support. Optimizations, fixes, improvements. [13 April 2016] - Fixed digital signature for the exe file under Windows 10. Finnish translation [4 April 2016] - Stability improvements, minor fixes [31 January 2016] - New SHA2 digital signature [6 December 2015] - Improved stability, fixed couple of bugs and crashes [1 November 2015] - Translations update [30 August 2015] - Improved Windows 10 support. Fixed crash in some cases [2 April 2015] - Fixed wrong new version notification [30 Match 2015] - Fixed rare crash when scanning for leftover registry items. Languages update. [1 January 2015] - Languages update [2 November 2014] - Fixed rare crash when deselecting all items in the list [31 October 2014] - Increased speed. Improved stability. Switched to Visual Studio 2013 [7 September 2014] - Stability improvements [1 September 2014] - Minor fixes [22 July 2014] - Translations update [2 July 2014] - Fixed algorithm of discovering apps icons. Translations update [17 June 2014] - Improved uninstallation process [17 May 2014] - Stability improvements [22 April 2014] - Stability improvements [19 April 2014] - Fixed black background of list items on Windows 8+ [18 April 2014] - Digital signature, RTL support, lots of improvements and bug fixes. Translations update [7 April 2014] - Stability improvements [2 April 2014] - Translations update [1 March 2014] - Check for new version fix [16 Febrary 2014] - Crash fixes, stability improvements [9 January 2014] - Option to choose initial sorting when starting the app (see View menu). Dutch translation improved [8 December 2013] - Stability improvements. Translations update [22 October 2013] - Crash reporting improvements [1 October 2013] - Stability improvements, icons drawing fix. Translations update [27 May 2013] - Translations update [11 May 2013] - Updated Italian translation [8 May 2013] - Added more interface languages. Added 'check for updates' feature - no expiration now. Fixed minor bugs [8 April 2013] - Added crash reporting feature [26 March 2013] - Expand/collapse feature. Improved sorting. Small fixes and improvements [20 September 2012] - Fixed problem with not displaying of some apps. Fixed bug with restoring GeekUninstaller window. Improved stability. [31 August 2012] - Minor improvements [2 July 2012] - Minor interface improvements [3 June 2012] - Fixed saving of program settings (e.g. language) [27 May 2012] - New about dialog, minor scanning improvements [10 May 2012] - fixed small issues in removing traces, program list drawing fix [1 May 2012] - initial version

App Tamer 2 52 Resz

'Pure gain with no pain' - Macworld
'A Must-Have Mac Utility' -
'Flexible, but takes very little user knowledge or time to get it up and running' - TUAW

Got Unruly Applications?

Some applications, particularly web browsers and older apps, continue running tasks or animating ads even when they're idle. That uses valuable processing (CPU) power, which leaves you with:

  • Less CPU power for the application you're using
  • Increased heat and fan noise
  • Reduced battery run-time

Tame Them with App Tamer

Find the culprits and get them under control. With App Tamer, you simply do this:

  1. Launch App Tamer and click on its icon in your menubar
  2. Click on an application that's using a lot of CPU
  3. Tell App Tamer to slow or stop the app

App Tamer will automatically slow down or pause your applications whenever you're not using them, greatly reducing their CPU use.

App Tamer even comes pre-configured to automatically reduce the CPU and battery usage of Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, Spotlight, Time Machine, Photoshop, Illustrator, Word and many other applications.

App Tamer Does All The Work

Unlike some utilities that let you manually stop processes, App Tamer automatically handles the details for you. It slows or pauses an application when you switch away from it, then automatically restarts it when you start using it again. Just set it and forget it - App Tamer quietly saves battery and CPU power while you work (or play).

But You're in Control

You choose which apps to manage. Automatically stop them when you're not using them, or just slow them down so they don't use more than a certain amount of CPU.

App Tamer's preferences let you tune its behavior to your needs, whether you're frugally conserving battery power or feeding every last CPU cycle to Starcraft.

Road Warriors Take Note!

Recovering even a small percentage of your CPU time can translate into significant battery savings. Stopping an application that's consuming 5% of your CPU can translate into 20 or 30 minutes of additional battery runtime.

Detect CPU Hogs

Sometimes an application or macOS system process suddenly starts using large amounts of CPU time. There may be new work to do after you've added new pictures to Photos, for example, or it could be due to a bug somewhere in an app or in macOS itself.

App Tamer detects excessive CPU usage like this and alerts you, letting you decide whether to take control or let the process continue.

What About App Nap?

Apple knows a good thing when they see it. macOS has App Nap, a feature that 's similar to App Tamer. But to activate it you have to hide or completely cover an application's windows, making it not-so-automatic. And App Nap doesn't work at all with behind-the-scenes processes like Spotlight and Time Machine. App Tamer does!

Also accelerate your Time Machine backups!

Increase the speed of your Time Machine backups with the simple click of a checkbox in your App Tamer preferences. Click here for details and caveats

'App Tamer is a fantastic Mac utility, which literally tames background apps and processes, appreciably reducing their CPU usage, and thereby substantially speeding up a Mac, its user's foreground task and his/her productivity. App Tamer is a must-have on every Mac!'

– Evan Katz, Managing Director, Crawford Ventures, Inc., hedge fund expert and former Contributing Editor of Personal Computing magazine

Try App Tamer Free for 15 Days
Try it for FREE for 15 days

Download Version 2.5.2
For macOS 10.8 - 10.15

Older Version 1.3.2
For macOS 10.5 - 10.7

Buy App Tamer Now
Single-user license: $14.95/each
2+ licenses: $12.45/each
Educational Discounts
More Information
About App Tamer
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User Manual
Reviews and Comments
What a beautifully simple yet revolutionary App! But don't tell Apple that I can put off upgrading my Macbooks for another year ;)
It's 'just working'. Thank you so much. Love the product. Love the support.
- Gregory Morse
A) the user interface is completely intuitive, B) it seems to work perfectly and instantaneously, and C) I did independent confirmation with my usual tool (top from the command line) and astonishingly, Safari was sitting there firmly fixed at 0 %CPU. That is awesome!!! I am absolutely going to be telling everyone I know to go buy this immediately!
System Requirements
macOS 10.8 through 10.15

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